European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians
Main aims
- The exchange of information on all hospital-related topics.
- Study of the conditions influencing medical practice in hospitals.
- Study of Health Care Systems from the point of view of hospitals in the different member states.
- Assure competence of hospital doctors at international level.
- Assure the defense of hospital ethics.
- Defend the interests of Heads of Hospital-Departments or other Staff Physicians.
- Improve pre- and post graduate medical training of doctors.
- Guarantee high standard of Continuing Medical Education (C.M.E.).
- Improve the quality of hospital care.
Contries Represented
17 countries
The AEMH is an international, not for profit association under Belgian Law and represents European hospital physicians, who have final responsibility for the patients, with the primary goal to improve all aspects of hospital life in Europe.
The AEMH provides a European platform for hospital physicians, which develops and maintains a spirit of cooperation and communication among its national member delegations, improving the understanding of the different health systems. It encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences and promotes discussion among doctors, patients and politicians with the major objective of promoting health and improving patient safety.
The AEMH assembles groups of different specialists promoting hospital management based on quality and safety, possessing valuable expertise in this field.
History of the organization
In 1963, at the initiative of the Confederation of Medical Unions of France, doctors from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway and Austria met in Paris, creating what would become the AEMH – Association Européenne des Médecins des Hôpitaux, the European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians. Denmark, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia and Romania joined the AEMH in the following years. Members of the AEMH are national organisations representing doctors having an overall care responsibility for their patients and who are active at national level in a European country.
The founders of the organisation motivated the establishment of the AEMH as follows: “With regard to the revolutionary development of hospitals and the establishment of new positions and services in hospitals, the interests of senior hospital physicians in responsible positions will not be sufficiently discussed in already existing organisations.”
Rue Guimard 15
B-1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 736 60 66
Fax: +32 2 732 99 72