UEMS Representatives
Collaboration between the EJD and the UEMS has existed for several years in the form of formal and informal agreements that have benefited both institutions and, above all, the quality of medical training of European junior doctors. The EJD send Representatives to the UEMS Boards, Sections and Multidisciplinary Joint Committees (MJC) as the input of doctors in training in the matters of postgraduate medical training is considered of paramount importance for both institutions. They EJD representative shall also be invited to be part of the PGT visiting committees of their Boards, Sections and MJC.

Workflow and Responsibilities
Workflow and Responsibilities of EJD representatives to European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).
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Nomination and Election
Nomination and Election procedure of EJD representatives to European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).
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Representatives to UEMS Boards, Sections and MJC's
Meet our UEMS Representatives. For more information, click on the title you're interested in.If you want to apply as representative, find our application form here
Representative, Polona Gams Brulc, Slovenia, elected until 2026-12-31
Vice-Representative, Veronika Baltmane-Veckalne, Latvia, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Representative, Juan Pablo Carrasco Picazo, Spain, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Dermatology and Venereology
Representative, Edgars Kiecis, Latvia, elected until 2025-12-31
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Emergency Medicine
Representative, Teo Vajdl, Slovenia, elected until 2026-06-30
Vice-Representative, Simon Ranfl, Slovenia, elected until 2026-06-30
Representative, Elisabeth Steinsvik, Norway, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Representative, Santiago Cotobal Rodeles , Spain, elected until 2026-12-31
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Representative, Sofia Tsiapakidou, Greece, elected until 2026-06-30
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Intensive Care Medicine (MJC)
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Representative, Lauri Husa, Finland, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Laboratory Medicine and Medical Biopathology
Representative, Belén Elisa Ulecia Langa, Spain, elected until 2025-12-31
Vice-Representative, Alin-Constantin Stancu, Romunia, elected until 2026-12-31
Representative, Marco Montomoli, Spain, elected until 2026-06-30
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Representative, Aija Tumova , Latvia, elected until 2026-06-30
Vice-Representative, vacant, vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Representative, Elske Bak, Netherlands, elected until 2025-12-31
Vice-Representative, Ana Pueyo Bestué, Spain, elected until 2025-12-31
Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery
Representative, Steven Brandsma , UK, elected until 2026-12-31
Vice-Representative, vacant, vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Representative, Oana - Aimee Carpeniseanu , Romania, elected until 2026-12-31
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Representative, Chrysa Panou, Greece, elected until 2026-06-30
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Representative, Živa Ledinek , Slovenia , elected until 2026-12-31
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-04-01 Apply
Phlebology (MJC)
Representative, Konstantinos Roditis, Greece, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Vasileios Papaioannou, Greece, elected until 2026-12-31
Representative, Florence Atrafi, Netherlands, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Ferhat Beyaz, Netherlands, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Representative, Livio Tarchi, Italy, elected until 2026-06-30
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Public Health (MJC)
Representative, Pablo Estrella Porter, Spain, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, vacant, vacant, elected until 2025-01-01
Representative, Mindaugas Brazdziunas, Lithuania, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Victoria von Beckerath, Netherlands, elected until 2025-12-31
Representative, Alexios Theodorou, Greece, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Stan Benjamens, Netherlands, elected until 2025-12-31
Thoracic Surgery
Representative, Emmanouil Kapetanakis, Greece, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Vacant, Vacant, elected until 2025-05-27 Apply
Representative, Mick Uijldert, Netherlands, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Aleksandrs Dorogojs, Latvia, elected until 2025-12-31
Vascular Surgery
Representative, Konstantinos Roditis , Greece, elected until 2025-06-30 Apply
Vice-Representative, Panagiotis Theodoridis, Greece, elected until 2026-06-30