The list of documents that are required for registration with the Austrian Medical Chamber as well as detailed information leaflets can be found on the website of the Austrian Medical Chamber. Information on taking up medical activities in Austria (
In order to be registered with the Austrian Medical Chamber the following general preconditions pursuant to §4 (2) Austrian Medical Act 1998 have to be fulfilled:
• EEA or Swiss nationality OR valid residence permit
• Full legal capacity
• Proof of good character and repute
• Fitness to practice (health condition)
• Sufficient knowledge of the German language
All doctors intending to work in Austria have to prove sufficient knowledge of the German language (i.e. having completed the medical training in a German-speaking region or having at least 3 years of experience as German-speaking health care professional etc.). If the requirements are not met, a German language test has to be passed.
Doctors who have completed their medical studies in non-EEA-countries have to provide either evidence of recognition of medical studies completed abroad by one of the Medical Universities in Austria (Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck), as equivalent with Austrian standards (i.e. Nostrifikationsbescheid on the award of the degree „Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde“) or provide evidence of successful completion of medical studies in Austria before they can apply for recognition of their postgraduate training undergone abroad by the Commission for the Accreditation of foreign training periods of the Austrian Medical Chamber. Upon fulfilling the criteria of the Austrian Medical Training regulations (fullfilment of the objectives of training laid down in the Training regulations), the doctor is admitted to the exam that is obligatory for all doctors in Austria.
Foreign medical doctors without EEA-citizenship and not being granted equal treatment may apply for other types of authorization (according to § 35 of the Austrian Medical Act). Further information can be found on the website of the Austrian Medical Chamber Information on taking up medical activities in Austria (
Directive 2005/36/EC Applicability:
Automatic recognition: Diplomas corresponding to Directive 2005/36/EC are recognized automatically in Austria on the condition that applicants provide certificates issued by the competent authority stating that the training is in compliance with articles 23 – 30.
Procedures based on the General system (non-automatic recognition) Diplomas which do not comply with articles 23 – 30 and are not in accordance with Annexes 5.1.1 – 5.1.3 can be recognized via the general system.